Projects & Contests
There are numerous projects available to 4-H members, including: foods, clothing, public speaking, models, aerospace, wood science, livestock, health, gardening, photography, and so much more.
Four-H members begin by exploring their interests. They may select one or more projects, by the January 31st yearly enrollment deadline, and may choose to receive a project manual which guides them through activities. All 4-H projects are age appropriate.
One of the most important aspects of 4-H project work is that the 4-H member decides what they want to learn and do, as they explore their project. This allows the project to be self-paced and gives children important skills in setting and working toward their goals.
Four-H provides youth with opportunities to gain life-skills like decision making, public speaking, and team work through healthy competitions in a fun and educational setting.

Senior Horticulture Judging at State 4-H Contest
County Record Books
Record Books are a way for youth to gain recognition for 4-H project work. Four-H Record Books are due on or about October 15th of each year to the Valencia County Extension Office and must be submitted in the green 4-H record book cover, which can be picked up at the Extension Office. Call us at 505-565-3002 if you have any questions.
- Project Record Forms
A complete listing (downloadable) of Project Record Forms (these can also be found on the State 4-H website).
- Valencia County Record Book Format
Guidelines for submitting your Valencia County 4-H Record Book.
Shooting Sports
All 4-H'ers participating in any Valencia County Shooting Sports Project must take and pass a safety exam presented by the designated County-wide Shooting Sports Leader for the specific project.
Youth may also choose to take Hunter Education Classes. Visit the NM Department of Game & Fish website for available Hunter Education Classes. Call the NM Department of Game and Fish at 505-841-8888 for more information.
Valencia County 4-H Shooting Sports (VC4HCC) practice times, contest information, and results can be found on the VC4HSS website.
County Contest

4-H’ers at County 4-H Contests
County Contest is a one-day event held each May/June and is open to all 4-H'ers in Valencia County. County Contest offers a variety of judging and speaking contests which help 4-H'ers develop many necessary life-skills which include public speaking, decision making, and teamwork.
A variety of contests are offered to engage 4-H'ers of all different backgrounds. County Contest is a great opportunity to make new friends and learn new things.
4-H members compete in the various contests against members of their same 4-H age divisions. Cloverbuds are also encouraged to participate in County Contest. At the end of the day, 4-H'ers are recognized for the efforts during an Awards Ceremony.
County Contest is the qualifying event for 4-H'ers to advance to District Contest (Novice & Junior 4-H'ers only) and State 4-H Conference (Senior 4-H'ers only). During District and State Contests, Valencia County 4-H'ers compete on teams with Valencia County 4-H'ers and compete against 4-H'ers from across the state.
- What is County Contest?
All you've ever wanted to know about County Contest!
Resources & Study Guides
- Circular 570: Entomology
100 Common Insects of NM Training Booklet
- Favorite Foods
Contest Guide
- FCS Skill-A-Thon Sewing & Clothing ID Training Booklet
- Livestock Judging Guide
A great resource from Kansas Extension
District Contests
District Contest is for Novice and Junior 4-H age members and to attend members must qualify at County Contest. District Contest is held in June of each year and rotates location between the seven counties in our district.
- How to Give Oral Reasons
The NW District 4-H Handbook provides information on whether or not, a contest requires oral reasons. This guide will help 4-H members learn to judge and to give oral reasons by using the practical tips in this bulletin.
- Oral Reasons Example (fillable)
Use this example to help setup a reasons class.
State Conference
State Conference is for Senior 4-H age members. To attend, members must qualify at County Contest. State Conference is held yearly, in July at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces.
- State 4-H | Contest Website
Refer to the State 4-H | Contest website for contest rules and information.
4-H Indoor Exhibits
Every 4-H Project provides an opportunity for "Indoor Project Competition." 4-H'ers showcase their project work through posters, exhibits, and displays. The 4-H Indoor Exhibition of projects takes place every August during the sanctioned 4-H event. All first place projects qualify to compete at the New Mexico State Fair in September.