4-H Youth Development

Our 4-H program provides a creative a supportive environment in which culturally diverse youth and adults can reach their full potential. Our local county program works to develop life skills to help young people become self-directed, productive citizens. We also work to empower adult volunteers who multiply the efforts of our local county Extension staff.

4-H is for Families! The 4-H program is a family oriented program which empowers youth to reach their full potential by working and learning in partnerships with caring adults. We encourage parents and families to attend activities with 4-H members, including most club and county activities.

How to Join 4-H

The 4-H enrollment period begins October 1st and ends January 31st (no late enrollments accepted/no exceptions) of each year for youth ages 9-19. Children 5-8 years of age are encouraged to enroll in a special introductory program called Cloverbuds.

The following are the specific age requirements per group:

  • Cloverbud: Ages 5 (AND in Kindergarten) to 8 years old.

  • Novice: Ages 9 to 11 or age 8 AND in the 3rd grade prior to January 1 of the current 4-H year.

  • Junior: Ages 12 to 13. A 4-H member must have passed his/her 12th birthday or be 11 years old AND in the 6th grade but not have passed his/her 14th birthday prior to January 1 of the current 4-H program year.

  • Senior: Ages 14 to 19. A 4-H member must have passed his/her 14th birthday or be 13 years old AND in the 8th grade, but not have passed their 19th birthday prior to January 1 of the current 4-H program year.

Learn more about How to Join Valencia County 4-H; the enrollment deadline for the next program year for the Valencia County 4-H Program AND Projects is January 31st of every year (NO EXCEPTIONS).

Contact the Valencia County Extension Office at 505-565-3002 for more information.