Extension Association of New Mexico (EANM)
Valencia County Extension Association of New Mexico

The Valencia County EANM Council present educational programs planned by and for the Homemaker Clubs, in coordination with the Cooperative Extension Service.
Sunshine Club Established in 1962.
Mid-Valley Club Established in 1979.
The Cooperative Extension Service began in 1914 through the Smith-Lever Act. The Cooperative Extension Service was made a part of three levels of government: the Federal being a branch of the US Department of Agriculture, the State being a branch of the land grant university, New Mexico State University, and the Local by having the Extension Agents located in and being a part of the county.
Extension Association of NM Creed
I believe in the dignity of the human individual made in the image of the Creator for the purposes of service to Him.
I believe Homemakers are the most favored creatures because in them lies the responsibility of educating the young and the opportunity of contributing to the every day comfort of the family.
I believe to function efficiently, Homemakers must continue to learn and to teach, by precept and example, service to God and their fellow human beings, appreciation and improvement of their environment and respect for every individual. ~Mary Kay Popejoy
Membership & Dues
Members are encouraged to attend club and council meetings regularly, serve as hostesses and co-hostesses, participate in programs and serve on committees.
Annual EANM Dues
- Senior Member Dues: $10.00 ($5 for State & $5 for County) per member 80 years and older
- State: $7.50 per member, due November 1st
- County: $5.00 per member, due November 1st
- Club: $10.00
EANM Scholarships & Awards
EANM Programs
For more information on the EANM program visit the EANM website. Programs are available to everyone regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, handicap or national origin.
Contact Information
Crystal Garcia-Anaya
Valencia County Extension Agent for Family Consumer Sciences (FCS) & 4-H
Email: anayacry@nmsu.edu
Phone: 505-565-3002